Does Mari Winsor Pilates Really Worth The Hype?

By Christopher Smith

If you take a look at a Pilates forum, you’ll very quickly come across a few that are totally dedicated to Windsor Pilates. The most sweeping question: does it work? Of course, like most questions, depending on who you ask, you’ll get diverse answers. Some know its one of the most adequate workouts available, while others feels its a complete waste of time.

So who do you believe?


Kind words spoken in favor of Windsor Pilates contain statements that claimed a slimmer, sculpted body as a result of Mari Winsor Pilates and others advertise that you only need 60 minutes a week with this form of exercise in order to have the slimmer, firmer body while even more call Pilates a low-intensity powerhouse of a workout. The only way to be absolutely sure of whether or not Windsor Pilates is right for you is to try it out and see. You can always check with your local library and see if they have one of the DVDs before spending the cash to try it out. If you conclude you like it, then be sure to spend money on your own DVD. No matter how much you love it or abominate it, the library will want their copy back, I promise.

Pilates has been around for more than seventy years and several of Hollywood’s finest celebrities tout the veracity of all claims that this is truly one of the best low-intensity body shaping workouts that money can buy. This, by many has been enough to give this workout a try. While some love it, there are obviously those it doesn’t work magic for and then there are those who bought it and never bothered to take it out of the DVD case (it certainly didn’t work for them). Students who study Mari Winsor Pilates often claim to feel restrored and energized after a workout rather than feeling drowsy and drained as they invariably do with different workout methods.

Others feel that Pilates is not an a satisfactory form of working out to meet their needs. No one exercise is going to be right for everyone. That being said, there are many that feel it is a great exercise plan, but not necessarily a weight loss plan. As a result I recommend that you never use diet or exercise alone as part of a weight loss plan, but a combination of the two. Of course you should always consult with your doctor before beginning any major weight loss regimen. To answer the question: Does Mari Winsor Pilates really work? That answer is one that only you can answer for yourself. I can, however, tell you that nothing works unless you try.

About the Author: Does Windsor Pilates really work? Visit and find out.


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